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DTPM Certification

Why more businesses want to be DATA PROTECTION TRUSTMARK certified?

The Data Protection Trustmark (“DPTM”) helps businesses increase sales by building trust with their customers, their associates, and their management & staff and enhances market access.

The DPTM certification demonstrates the corporate culture and values towards full compliance with the obligations of the Company under the PDPA.

Stakeholders may rest assured that the organisation has put in place responsible data protection practices and will take better care of your personal data.



Why do you need to appoint a DATA PROTECTION OFFICER?

Businesses are required by law to appoint a DATA PROTECTION OFFICER (“DPO”).

The maximum penalty for failure to comply with the PDPA is (1) $1 million or 10% of the annual turnover, whichever is higher and/or (2) 3 years imprisonment.

What is the role of the DPO

The role of the DPO is to oversee data protection responsibilities and ensure compliance with the PDPA.

What is the responsibilities of DPO?

The responsibilities of a DPO include:

  • To ensure compliance with PDPA when developing and implementing policies and processes for handling personal data;
  • To foster a data protection culture among employees and communicating personal data protection policies to stakeholders;
  • To manage personal data protection-related queries and complaints;
  • To alert management to any risks that might arise with regard to personal data; and
  • To liaise with the PDPC on data protection matters, if necessary.


What are your obligations under the PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT?

  • To appoint a Data Protection Officer.
  • To develop and implement policies and procedures to notify individuals that (1) their personal data is being collected, (2) how the data may be used, (3) to whom the data may be disclosed, (4) to whom the data may transferred to, and (5) the individual must first give their consent before any personal data is collected.
  • To inform stakeholders the name and contact information of the Data Protection Officer.
  • Upon the request of the individual: the organization must (1) provide them with their personal data that has been collected, (2) inform the individual on how the data has been used or disclosed in the past year, and (3) change the personal data of individual if requested to do so.
  • To verify that the data they collect on individuals is accurate if they plan to use personal data to make decisions regarding the individual or to disclose the personal data to another party.
  • To prevent transfer of personal data to parties who are located in a country that do not have a data protection laws comparable to PDPA.
  • To protect the personal data in order to prevent the unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification or disposal.
  • To transmit any “applicable data” specified in the request (“data porting request”) to the receiving organisation in accordance with any prescribed requirements; upon receiving a request from the individual.
  • To dispose of personal data as soon as it has fulfilled a legal or business purpose.
  • To comply with the Do Not Call Registry obligations.

Why Us?

Why do clients refer their friends to us?

Our clients are proud to refer their friends to us for 5 good reasons.

  • UNIMPEACHABLE CHARACTER Highest level of professionalism. We put the best interest of our clients ahead of our own.
  • SOLID EXPERIENCE We have years of success helping our clients meet their PDPA obligations.
  • CREATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS You want the consultant to be an outstanding problem solver. Your company is unique. We are skilled in diagnosing and formulating the policies and operating procedures to meet your specific needs.
  • OUTSTANDING COMMUNICATING SKILLS Our team possesses unusually strong communication skills. We understand the importance of listening to our clients, understanding the issues from their perspectives, and empathizing with them. We communicate in the language that our clients are most comfortable with.
  • EXCELLENT INTERPERSONAL SKILLS For any consultant to be effective in helping your company; your clients need to trust us. They need to be comfortable revealing the intimate operating details of their business. They trust us with confidential information. They trust us enough to allow us to communicate with their key personnel directly. They trust that we take pride in our work and we will give our best.


PDPA Compliance was registered with ACRA on March 2019 to better focus on the manpower and resources dedicated to best provide PDPA support services requested by our clients.

PDPA Compliance is part of a Business Group with more than 100 personnel providing professional services including Audit & Assurance, Corporate Secretarial Services, Income Tax, Merger & Acquisition, Pre-IPO Consultancy, and Succession & Exit Planning.

Our clients include multinational companies, local listed companies, small and medium sized enterprises, and trade associations.

We are the leading full service provider for personal data protection services.


Gea Ban Peng has strong subject knowledge, he is highly skilled in the applications, and he has vast experience in the crafting, implementing, and auditing of policies, processors, and procedures to ensure compliance with the Personal Data protection Act 2012.

Martin O’Regan

Managing Director of Solas Fiduciary Services Pte Ltd and Chairman of Singapore Fund Administrators Association

When Mr. Gea Ban Peng speaks, people listen very attentively since the session is not only informative but more interactive manner. They listen enthusiastically because he is the master of the subject with sufficient knowledge and skills as well as support with relevant sources and resources. He is able to simplify the content to a level where people can understand easily since he is a most eloquent speaker. He impresses us with his insights supported by case studies and scenario based illustrations to explain better during the session. Further he elaborates the compliances, regulatory points, roles and responsibilities very clearly when he fielded questions at the time of Q & A session.

Dr. Balakrishnan Ramanathan

Founder and Managing Director ACE International Pte Ltd Singapore

I attended the PDPA training conducted by Gea Ban Peng. I found him very competent in the subject matter and will be able help us put in place suitablle procedures to meet our legal obligations under the PDPA. I have no hesitation in making a recommendation to my Board to appoint him our Data Protection Officer.

Christopher Yip

Director Risk Management Association Singapor

My clients benefitted from me attending the PDPA training program by Gea Ban Peng as I could pass down the knowledge I had learned to my international clients on PDPA and the appointment of DPO in Singapore. His training material is excellent resource and reference material for my work as DPO. He continues to guide and advise me whenever I have a question on PDPA.

Grace Lim

Director Business Development Jeeves Corporate Services Pte Ltd

I thank Gea Ban Peng and his team for their training and continuing guidance to help us meet our obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. It is an ongoing exercise to (1) develop policies for handling personal data, (2) to develop processes to prevent breaches, (3) to train our personnel, (4) to communicate policies to all stakeholders, (5) to audit the processes to detect any non-compliance, and (6) to address any risks, breaches, and related issues.

Kevin Cheng

Data Protection Officer EU Holidays Group of Companies

One of the best investments I made recently was to attend the training conducted by Gea Ban Peng. He explained my company’s obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 simply, clearly and precisely. We are able to immediately take steps to work towards putting measures in place in order to be PDPA compliant. Now I have more time performing my obligations as a grandmother of five children, as a beauty pageant queen, and as a businesswoman.

Laura Lee

Managing Director Trade-Pro Trading Pte Ltd

I attended the PDPA training conducted by Gea Ban Peng. He showed mastery of the subject. He provided great insights on how the PDPA is applied on the operational level of a business enterprise. His training material contain valuable resources, templates, and guidance on the steps to take to fulfil our obligations under the PDPA.

Lois Lew

Director SGCN Link Pte Ltd

I attended the PDPA training conducted by Mr. Gea Ban Peng, CEO of PDPA Compliance. He showed mastery of the subject, provided relevant case studies, and shared great insights on applying the PDPA to the operations of a business enterprise. His training material contained valuable resources, templates, and detailed guidance and steps to take to fulfil our obligations under the PDPA.

Cheng Jih Min

Chair & CEO Coach Vistage Asia Connect Pte Ltd

The PDPA training conducted by Gea Ban Peng was structured and comprehensive. He covered the subject well; (1) what is the objective of the PDPA, (2) what are our obligations under the PDPA, (3) what steps can we take immediately, and (4) what other measures should we take. The case studies helped shed light on operational challenges organisations will face. The course material contained valuable resources, templates, and guidance on the steps to take to fulfil our obligation.

Dr Tan Kee Wee

Principal Partner Waveney Economics

I am impressed by the powerful Gea Ban Peng personal brand image that he projected naturally and effortlessly. People who have attended his courses will agree that he is totally committed to delivering on his promise without compromise, to ensure his trainees gets great value for their fees and they thoroughly enjoyed the PDPA program.

Casey Chen

Principal Brand Consultant Casey Chen Design


Gea Ban Peng

Chief Executive Officer

(1) graduated with a degree in Accountancy from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in 1978, (2) trained as a company auditor with international accounting firm Arthur Young & Company (now known as Ernst & Young – after a series of mergers), (3) worked as the financial controller of a local group of companies before starting his consultancy business, (4) entered into strategic alliance with a local professional business group, and (5) commenced and provided PDPA training and related services in 2019 in response to requests from clients.

Jih Min Cheng

PDPA Adviser

Senior Data Protection Consultant Mr. Cheng Jih Min MBA, M.S.I.D. He has a Practitioner Certificate in Personal Data Protection. He has more than 30 years in senior management positions in South East Asia.

Kaustav DAS

Engagement Consultant

Data Protection System Specialist Mr. Kaustav Das MBA, R.M.C., C.B.A.P He is a Registered Management Consultant. He has more than 20 years in designing, implementing and overseeing corporate change management, and digitalization.

Kirel Tang

Special Adviser

With >20 years of global corporate roles that spanned across R&D, Project Management, BPR, Product Commercialisation, Applications, Sales & Marketing, Business Entity Management & Strategy, as well as living in different East-West cultures, Kirel had a robust foundation for his management leadership, promoting global teamwork and developing hands-on approach to customer relationship management. Read More

Kirel was the General Manager and Director for Edwards SE Asia business (2011-2017), where he spear-headed changes to ensured consistent deployment of policies and practices, drove talents planning, coaching and development for long term sustainability and excellence performance, and transformed the culture that built high level of trust, strengthened cross-functional team collaborations to achieve record high employee’s engagement.

Besides an adjunct lecturer at Singapore Polytechnic, Kirel is a practising Consultant who believes in life-long learning, constantly picking up and teaching new skills. He specialises in experiential learning and coaching to empower participants in their journey of self-discovery, leveraging on their individual wealth of experience and knowledge to enable acquisition of meaningful and relevant skills for immediate transfer and application to their jobs and life. He is highly sought after for his balanced and holistic approaches in guiding companies through their strategic digital transformation through robust policies and system technologies for sustainable growth.

Kirel has a PhD in Physics from Cambridge University, and a MBA from Manchester Business School. Read Less



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